I thought I would show this one for Tricia's Barn Charm meme...I do not know how it is still standing. It looks like you could push it down with one hand tied behind your back, so I do not know how it is still standing with the strong winds that races across the open land over there. It is another drive-by shot, as we were going north on Route 1 over in Illinois.
Please, if you happen across this for the first time, and if you have any barns in your blog, please go to Tricia's Bluff Area Daily Barn Charm and link to it till we can all see it.
Oh my goodness! That is certainly falling over soon...charming that you captured it before it fell!
That is really something...I wonder how much longer it can stand. Great shot1
I feel that way some days! :)
It's hard to believe it's still standing. This kind of reminds me of a barn that might be cartooned in a Tim Burton movie.
Oh My... Don't think I'd want to get close to that barn ---especially on the 'leaning' side. ha ha
Great picture, Rose.
This is another great drive-by shot. I just hope you weren't driving too fast -- the breeze from your car could really knock this one down.
Ohmigoodness! Keep the big bad wolf away from that one!
I'm thinking a big wind would do it. Wow, I wonder how it's still standing.
What a neat barn. Thanks for posting and for visiting my blog.
What a rickety looking old barn. I would be surprised if it has made it in one piece to today. Fine image with lots of eye-catching power. Well done.
Interesting and sad all at once. The stories it could tell.......MB
It does look like a little wind would blow it over!
between me and you I would guess it won't be standing for long!!!
Gill in Canada
It always amazes me when I see a high wind and people lose shingles off their house yet I see a barn like this still standing. :)
Oh my goodness, I think this poor thing just needs to be put to rest & put out of its misery... The cupola is salvageable though, it could be put on another barn! =)
Thanks so much for joining in, Rose, very much appreciated!!! =)
A better turn out this week than there has been... it might have just been the holidays... but thanks again! =)
Great photo! And I love your title.
I like the title makes me smile but felt sad of what happened to the barn. Thanks for the visit!
Barn Charm
I've seen more than one old barn in similar condition; it's so sad that they are soon going to be gone forever. This is a great capture.
Oh no! It looks like it is going to go over any minute!
There was a barn that looked like this down the road when I was growing up. It stood decades longer than it should have...maybe out of sheer will.
Great old barn! It's amazing that it is still standing, but they obviously made them strong back then.
Love it! It does make you wonder what is holding it up!
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