First you have the side view...it looks huge in this view. And it is a fair-sized barn....

but when you see the view from the front of the barn it doesn't look like much. This is not too far from home, so maybe I can take some views of it in the different seasons.
Anyway, it is my entry for Barn Charm...if you have a barn, please link it to Tricia's Barn Charm meme...I so look forward to that meme. I love seeing all the entries. It usually opens sometime between 6 7:00p.m. CST.
Love the stripped out shingle pattern... :)
I like seeing both views! This barn has seen better days!
I love the roof on this barn.
What character...bet it has such a story behind it!
Nice! It looks like it's got a lot of use.
Both shots are great and very different. Very nicely done.
we are Missouri, southeast part.
The roof has some interesting patterns - it would be worthwhile going back just make note of the changes!
The front width is definitely deceiving! I wonder if the owners will want to take on that roof? Great photo.
A nice old barn that may have seen better days, but it has a great looking design and the weathered wood is very attractive. A very nice "barn charm" post!
I need to get back into doing this meme. I would love to see this barn in the fall.
Niiice, Rose! That DOES sound like a good idea to go back & shoot it in the different seasons... =)
I also see what you mean by the side view makes it look so much bigger, but that front view isn't too shabby either... heheheeee
As I say... I'd love to explore it!!! =)
Acouple good shots of a well used old barn. Nice. MB
I really like the roof tiles...well, what is left of them!
That barn has been around for awhile...but I'm always surprised at the ability of some of these old rickety barns to stay upright - even in a big wind.
Thanks for all your comments, Rose! Very nice!
The roof needs some TLC, but this is a great barn.
The roof certainly catches the eye. A very nice barn.
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