On the way home the other night, out in this pasture were these chickens, and there was a pony and a horse or two. It is just too hard to try to turn and get a picture through the passenger window when I am the driver. I will if there is no other option, but this was a lonely straight stretch of road, so I pulled to the side and got out.
The minute I got out, here came the chickens, and the pony got right up against the fence, plus the horses on the far side started to come. I quickly snapped a couple pics and left because I felt guilty not having anything for them.
They seem to be conditioned that people will bring things to them. :)
Awww, pay attention to me, pay attention to me!!!
...don't we all have the desire to be noticed?
They make a good looking threesome. Fine, quick shot. I'd feel the same way...like I should have something...anything to give them.
Funny!! MB
You are soooo funny. I can just see you driving along trying to take a photo through the passenger side window!
So glad you stopped to get this. :-)
I've felt the same way when we stop to photograph horses and they come up wanting something to eat. Next time I'll bring something I tell 'em. But I never do.
I love it when farm animals are not afraid of humans...in fact curious. (Oh and maybe a little hungry, too.)
What's for supper....fried chicken. That brings back memories of when mom would send us to get a chicken to clean. We would go out and chase them until we caught one, lay it's head on a chopping block and then cut it off with a hatchet. When you do that you know what the phrase "Running around like a chicken with it's head cut off" means. :)
Next time you'll have to be prepared when the moochers come looking for a handout. I'm glad you got the picture.
eh eh eh eh
they're hungry
eh eh eh eh
they're hungry
Very funny! I can just see you guiltily snapping away and then running for your life :-)
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