At long last I am home and am well enough to enter Tricia's Barn Charm meme....

These were taken in Tennessee at the end of April...

which seems like a lifetime ago now.

If you want to join, click Here....
And Tricia, sorry to have let you down the past two weeks. You know I love this meme...I was in Indianapolis the first time I missed and was sick last week. I guess I need to schedule them way ahead!
interesting barn. in the first close-up, it almost looks 'vented' like a drying shed. i like the last shot best.
glad you're back to 'normal', dear rose!
I'm glad you're posting again Rose...I do hope you're feeling better. Great barn, I just saw one similar the other day that wasn't in as great of shape as this one. I love the old car parked there.
Awww, thank you, Rose, but I totally & completely understand... you can't help it when you're sick & barns are the last thing you need to think about then... Glad you're up & at em, now!
That's a cool old barn & charming, to be sure! =)
Spring actually DOES seem like a lifetime ago, now that you mention it. LoL!
Glad your back in the groove...nice barn charm...great shot!
Glad to have you back! This is a real charmer, right down to the old car in the front.
This barn appears to be fairly old, but it is in pretty good shape. Very charming.
beautiful...looks a lot like the barns here in virginia.
This is a fine old barn with unusual construction. I like the horizontal boards on the front. Nice find! I'm glad you back and feeling better!
The old green car just adds to the charm! We have barns all around us, and I take lots of pictures. But they never come out like yours!! NEVER! I don't get it, it must be that you have so much talent! Well, you for sure give me something to aspire to. I am still trying!
This is a beautiful barn in a wonderful setting. Glad you're feeling better!
I'm so glad you are feeling better, Rose. And I'm glad you are back posting barns as you find some of the BEST!
How interesting that the boards are horizontal. For some reason I'm thinking most of the barns I see here are vertical. I could be wrong about that, but I will be paying more attention for a while.
Nice one...the car adds a lot to the shots :-)
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