The top is a drive-by--from the looks of the corn it must have been a drive-by slowly.

I think this barn was in Mungo, Indiana...south and east of Shipshewana...or at least east. Not sure about the south part. I like the evening light flickering on it.

And this one is from somewhere there close to Shipshewana...I suggest that you click and enlarge it to see it better. There is a horse with a wagon over at the barn....
I so wish I had a variety of views of these barns, but I don't. I just love to see close-ups of barn features or just different angles....but sometimes it is impossible to get them.
This is my entry for Tricia's Barn Charm meme.
LOVE the 2nd one!!!
I have a hard time getting my husband to SLOW DOWN or worse yet--STOP. I've missed some wonderful shots thanks to old leadfoot--LOL!
Nice barns. The Shipshewana area has so many nice farms.
Very nice Rose...I too really like that second one...Tho it's hard to pick.
Your barns over there all seem to be really big.I also like the 2nd one. Looks like it must have been a nice evening when you took the picture.
All nice barn pics. The second one I would like to know more about. It must have had an interesting life. MB
Well done for a drive-by! I wouldn't have guessed that. I do like the second one - I think it's the lighting. And of course the old wood.
The second one gets my vote too! Great shots!
Just love the red barn, Rose. Nice shots one and all.
When I saw the first one I said.."Oh, I like that!"...then I saw the second one and said "Oh, I LIKE that!"...and the third "Oh, I like that too!".
Three great barns, Rose. Are they all owned by Amish farmers? The middle one has tons of character. I hope someone repaints it!
I think I like the first picture best. In a way, it almost looks like it had been a church.
All 3 are great barns - they each have their own special charm!
Three beautiful barns! I like it best when I get more shots of a barn, but sometimes you just gotta be happy with one. Getting to go inside is the best though.
I really like the arched doorways in these barns.
I know, it is frustrating to not be able to get different angles. When I do manage it, I go a little bit overboard.(so some of my barns may end up being repeats!)
all 3 are great but that second one is my fave!
I see the man w/ the horse & buggy... is it an Amish farm?
Great entries, Rose - As always, I'd love to get inside these old barns & snoop around =)
Thank you so much for being here & sticking w/ me from the beginning...
Three fine barn pictures! I like each for differing reasons. They have interesting designs. The last one is a huge building. In fact, the entire farm appears to be a large operation. Fine series!
I enlarged all three, love them all, but the middle one gets my vote for favorite today. i did see the horse and wagon, did you see the old springs leaning on the wall in the second one? i think it is old box springs. Love that sky in the last one. and drive by shooting is a favorite past time of mine. yours are excellent. it is hard for me, because i will not ride with my husband driving, so when we are out, i have to stop driving to shoot.
You've got a nice assortment of barns in this post. I really like that first one -- it's really beautiful.
Nice collection, I think I like the first one the best - the details in the windows and the lightning rods.
These are awesome barns. And the more a barn is old the more it has a very beautiful character to it so I vote for the second photo. ^_^ Thanks for the visit.
Barn Charm
You are the Queen of Barns...you find so many nice ones to photograph. YOu have a real eye for the right shot of them.
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