I'm going to try to settle down tonight and do Barn Charm....was gone for the weekend and had things to do that I left without doing so just did not put up a post last night. AND, since we have not been taking many drives, I am going back to these barn shots taken June 22 of this year.

I don't know why I haven't posted it before now...I do like it...

even if it is a little bit worse for wear.

I do wonder what happened to those boards...it looks like something ate them.
Linking to Barn Charm...
That's a great old barn! I can't help think of all of the crafty things that could be done with that wood.
poor old toothy grin... :) i like it, though, too.
such character. but could use some repairs ... makes me smile. i like the shadow as well. very weathered. (:
Oh, I see a great horror story in the making: The Creature that Ate Barn Boards!
All kidding aside, she's a lovely old barn!
Beautiful old barn!! Looks like a very large mouse has been nibbling on it.....
It's a charming place! I like it's shape, and even like the worn out boards.
Lovely...I love the roof top.
A fantastic old barn! I like the roof line! It looks like it has a face in the last photo.
I know that is what it looked like (similar) when a bear got into our feed building. Who knows! They all seem to be evenly stripped off.
poor old, but I like the photos!
From Ingun, Norway
I was thinking "gap-toothed" when I saw it too! Very interesting barn - love the faded red!
It is charming! The jagged openings add character!
It looks like a tear falling out of the right 'eye'!
i was thinking the exact same thing as texwis!
oh and then beth's comment makes me sad :( poor barn!
this is one of my favorites that you have posted. i love the color of the wood and the shadows in some of the shots are cool. the boards look like some giant took bites out of them. it certainly fits the word charming.
It is a dandy barn. It looks like someone just broke the boards off---Poor thing.
I don't think I will ever be able to dance. LOL MB
maybe those barn boards are missing because someone decided they needed them, I wouldn't mind having one of those old barn boards to make a sign with. great looking oldie!!
Lovely old barn. I'll bet those boards ended up in someone's home.
I hope this old barn was not robbed of these boards to build something else. It's a fine barn. Excellent series of it.
a great barn with a magnificant roof!!
great lines, wonderful shadows, what a charming old place!!
Must've been a great barn, back in the day.
I thought that too, what happened to those boards...
Super barn shots, Rose. I really like this old barn
This barn may need some TLC, but it still is very charming
This barn has lots of character. I love the faded red of the wood. It does look like a face with a tear coming out of it's eye.
Reminds me of the barns here in the Delta. . .I still love seeing them. . .Lovely shots!
A beautiful shots and these barn is awesome!
Kim, USA
I noticed the boards, too, and wondered about them. Nice capture.
Nice Rose, I need to get back doing barn charm.
That's a fine looking barn. I love the weathered look. I wonder if it is still in use...thanks for swinging by my barn. Enjoy the week.
Cool barn, Rose, I really like the shape of it.
Thank you =)
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