I got to admit, it is what is behind the fences that made the photographs for me. I got this one shot, and by the time we got up close, it would not look towards me no matter how much 'mooing' we did.
This one is in the same pasture. There were more cattle there and they were all totally focused on eating, too.
This was taken up near Shipshewana...the top two are out close to the strip pits.
I hope you enjoy them...
I am linking to:
sweet fuzzies and cute holstein calves, too. thanks, rose.
Must "moo" in a different dialect. :-)
Cattle are never particularly co-operative in front of the camera; at least they haven't turned their less-attractive end towards you.
Hello Rose, I love the cows and their pretty eyes. Great fence shots. Happy Thursday, enjoy your weekend ahead!
I love that there are cattle in these fence photos!
Hi Rose, beautiful photos. Cows are so wonderful to photograph. They have gorgeous big eyes. Love the horses and the picket fence below too.
Have a great day!
I love the close ups of the calves! Don't they have beautiful eyes? Lovely rural scenes & rusty fences!
Have a lovely day!
These are neat photos....great fences and some cute little faces..... Enjoy your day
A very good "fences" series. I like the look of the cow peering at the camera. A fine group of shots. I'll have to check on my site's address. Perhaps it has an error in it.
Love their faces!
Love Rose,
Thank you for visiting with me and your lovely comments.
I have seen that you show a lot of posts about nature.
Maybe you want to participate sometimes at my photo-Prokekt. I would be very happy. Every Thursday there is time to leave your comment with me and I then Link to the participants with a photo and a backlink to your blog.
Friendly greetings from Germany
Please look :
LOVE LOVE your fences especially the bottom one. The house the cows who wouldn't ? ) Hug B
Just imagining you mooing at the cows...:-D
The cattle make the shots so interesting!
Fantastic fence shots ~ Love the cow peeking through the very strong looking fence ~ thanks for 'visiting' and your lovely comments ~
Happy Weekend coming to you,
artmusedog and carol
That looks like Norman from City Slickers.
Nice, country scenes, Rose!
Have a Great Weekend!
Peace :)
Love the cows behind the fences!
Oh I like these, especially that last shot. Great critters behind those fences.
The second one has such a sweet face!
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