First an oldie...taken south and east of Terre Haute Indiana in 2011....
Then we have this robin on a fence post, taken today. I am trying to keep the promise to myself to take more pics of robins.
I am linking these to Tex's Good Fences. Thank you so much for hosting the meme, Tex!
These are really lovely!
and they turned their backs to you
I love both photos. It's always fun to see the Robins!
perfect perchers. :)
Lindo e bem apanhados.
Um abraço e boa Quinta-Feira.
Birds do find fences handy ... and they make great photo's too.
Enjoy your Thursday
All the best Jan
Reminds me of the especially loud wren I heard on my walk yesterday evening. :)
Hello, great captures of the birds on the fences. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!
Both are really great photos, Rose! I still can't believe the difference in size of an American Robin and our wee European robin!
i love doves, they are so sweet and gentle and their cooing makes me happy.. beautiful big robin.
We have lots of birds at our feeders. Lots of Robins. Some great shots here.
Oh I love these. Robins are very pretty you should get more photos of them. Hug B
Both are wonderful shots of fences and doves and bird ~ love them both ~
I don't usually get a bird on the fence as I most times have my doggie with me ~
I love your bird and fence shots !
Wishing you peace in each day ~ ^_^
Both of these images are very good. I like how the robin is looking back at the camera person.
You captured these fellows in all their glory.
Pretty birds and nice fences.
A Hoosier dove, eh, Rose? :)
Have a Happy Day!!
Peace :)
It is funny how we take Robins for granted. They are pretty too. I just took one perched in one of the Cherry trees. I think he was claiming his spot for when the cherries are ripe. LOL
There seem to be a lot of robins around this spring!
Loving these pics.
Birds and Fences do seem to go together well. Loved both of your birds and their fence perches.
Who can resist those sweet doves? Nice robin shot. They are beautiful birds, and often overlooked. Presently I'm overlooking starlings! There were close to 30 in my yard today!
What a cute pair of doves!
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