Another farm over in Illinois....notice the roof in the top picture. It has a strange little section that is higher than the rest.

The barn is is a nice one...I would love to see inside....also love the little building in front of it. I wonder what it is used for...actually wonder what the building in the other photo is for, too.
I never realized that Illinois had so many barns. I guess I should have headed south more often.
Storing equipment maybe?????? Maybe the raised portion is just the way someone tried to repair the roof????? Oh--I don't know.... But I love both pictures especially the 2nd one...
Did you see that Tricia is starting a meme where people post barns???? I thought you would enjoy that.
Another one of your lovely farm scenes, Rose. You do them so very well. I'm not sure, but the little building reminds me of farms I knew in Minnesota ... it was a place where various activities relating to milking were done...I just can't remember the specifics.
I'm not sure of the use of the smaller buildings, but this does look like an interesting farm. I really like the barn.
Two fine building shots. The added shed to the front of this fine barn, in addition to the one behind, was probably a necessity. Farm thinking always seemed so "practical" to me.
I still wonder is the raised part used to have a skylight and they've just put a roof over it when the skylight got broke.
I would love to see inside too.
Wonderful! I saw so many neat barns in Illinois and wanted to stop and take photos...but of course we couldn't :-(
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