Tricia over at
Bluff Area Daily has started a new meme for Old Barns...

This is my first entry for it....I have had other photos of this barn...it is another one that fascinates me.

This last one is sort of dark, but hope you can see it in its entirety.
If you want to join the meme, click
here for the information or to join or just to visit the meme...this is one meme I think I am going to love!
Wow, that's huge! What an intriguing structure!
This is a HUGE barn, so tall! Do you know what they store inside? The windows at the bottom are very curious.
Thank you so much, Rose, for joining in! I've been tossing this idea around for quite some time, & just decided to go for it!
Great barn, Rose... I just came from Tricia's meme --and am so glad that you are entering the meme.
It's WONDERFUL.... Thanks!!!
This is a great old barn. I can see why it is a favorite of yours. These are wonderful pictures.
i see why it fascinates you~
it is fantastic.
great old barn you shared.
WOW! that really IS a big one! i'd like to explore the inside of that one!
Wow! What a breathtaking building! It's so big! Great photos; they really capture the building well. That long slopping roof is just stunning.
That tall pitched roof is rather unusual.
Tricia dropped by and told me about the meme and you were the first one I thought of. It's perfect for you. I didn't have a barn photo on a computer I could access so I'll have to wait to join. You're probably set for weeks. :)
Awesome barn Rose! I just have to join this meme.
Wow - what a great find! It is absolutely HUGE! Wish I could see inside. :)
A barn meme seems like it is tailor made for you :-)
Great barn, Rose. Are there stalls inside or is it just for storage? Hay, machinery etc?
Kudos to an old barn.
WOW! Super barn, great weathered wood, cool details! :-D
This is a beautiful old barn with all the weathered wood and interesting detail in the windows. I like Tricia's idea to use "barns" as a theme. Unfortunately, Aminus3 doesn't permit adding links as needed to participate. I enjoyed all the pictures very much.
You, Rose, are a perfect fit for an old barn meme! You have so many fantastic photos of such buildings! These are good examples!
Re your comment on The Villages...I had to laugh! And I think you're right - in the future folks are going to puzzle over what all this junk was we built up to the sky!
By the way, thank you so much for your comments on Colorado! I didn't ignore you but for some reason no comments showed up and I thought nobody was making comments (I have too many blogs, as you know!)...
But, then, the comments appeared. I appreciate your taking the time to write a note!
As a lover of old barns I was delighted to find this meme. Since what is called "progress" is causing the old barns in my state to disappear it will be great to see what is still out there in other parts of the country.
Your entry this week is certainly unique. Would love to see the inside but I understand how difficult it is to get permission to take interior shots.
Wow, that´s a really big barn. Love your photos.
Sounds like you found the perfect meme! I know how you love old barns. This one is very nice..and tall!
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