I have been MIB--missing in blogland for more reason that one. Had a summer cold for a while...been gone, etc. So thought I would make my re-entry on my favorite time of the week...Barn Charm time. And I finally got to stop and get photos of this barn that we pass every time we go see Lorelei.

It was built in the mid 1800's....isn't it a beauty? The inside is full of antique booths. Lighting is poor but have a couple photos I will post the next time I post. This post is full of photos as it is.

But I just could not leave any of them out.

I walked all around the barn...the owners were very, very nice and seemed to understand my love for the barn.

I think this end is used for loading and unloading items...

I didn't think till I got outside, but I did not see the way to go upstairs, though I think I realize now the reason for this one door being shut. I don't recall if it had a lock on it or not.

And now we are back to the front.

I am so glad to finally have photos of this barn...I have been admiring it for years and years.