It won't be long until these are gone and everything is green again!

I think they are trumpet vine seedpods....I don't know of any other vine around here that has seedpods at all. yet these seem a bit longer and skinnier than I remember them, so if you think they are something else, feel free to tell me.
These are wonderful pictures. Very well done!
Interesting! We normally never look at things like this closely enough to see the beauty.
You did give these photos the sepia treatment, right? Excellent job, whatever. I don't know what those seedpods are but I think you must be right!
Great pictures, Rose..... SOON---everything will be GREEN in those spots!!!!!
We have Virginia Creeper vines which grow up our big shade trees. I am constantly pulling them down.
Love these Rose. Things are starting to green up around here now.
Lovely photos! Nuce earthy colors.
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