Below you will find 2 photos + a copy of each photo. In both cases the first is the one straight out of the camera except reduced in size...which is much darker than it actually was. Well, even the the ones I have manipulated in Photoshop are still darker.

I really hope you will click on each one and compare...and tell me which you like the best. Or tell me if the first one is so dark you can't make heads or tails of it.

I really need some feedback on these...I sort of like all of them but I am looking at them on my laptop, and I know when I go look at the on the desktop once published they will look different there.

Different there almost always means darker, but when I go to Sarah and Jeremy's house and get on their computer, they are usually not as dark as on our old desktop, but probably still a bit darker than on here.

So, I am hoping for feedback on these...just to see how they look on yours....or anyone else you might get to look at them.
Hi Rose, I enlarged each photo to get a closer look. The first photo is my favorite of them all of them, that rich golden corona around the sun is stunning. I can see the silhouette of the land very clearly and also the fog. Love that shot.
Since the last two photos are a different scene I will tell you I like the original photo the best, the last one looks really washed out on my computer. But then they are going to look different on everyone's computers. I'm on my desktop and the monitor is a 22' with the resolution set very high. Hope that helps!
Hi Rose, I also love the 1st and 3rd.... Seeing the sun like that in the first picture is fabulous...
But---like all of your photos, they are all good.
I like the second shot the best Rose! It reminds me of getting up early when I was a young girl. I can 'feel' what it feels like. :)
Like Judy the last one is washed out quite a bit for me.
I would have to choose the first photo as my favorite. It has a genuineness that makes it look so real. The differences in all our monitors is a big factor, but one we can't change. I calibrate my main monitor and let it go at that. My laptop looks very different and so does the one where I do volunteer work. Neither look as good. So what to do? :-)
The first photograph is my favorite.
I also like the first photo in each pair. Although they are darker, the colors are much richer.
I like the top photo in each pair the best the best. I like the higher saturation of colour - at least in these photos.
I like the top photo the best. Any time you take a picture towards the sun it is more than likely going to be darker than it really was because the camera is averaging over the whole picture.
I think it depends on what you want to show. In the first the focus is on the sun and how it looks in the sky. The second allows you to see the ground, too and that pulls your eye to the horizon rather then the sun. Both are interesting. The second two are similar for the same reasons, but also look "foggy".
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