We stopped up in Newport Sunday...I took photos of the Vermillion County courthouse...this was across the street on one side. I suggest that you enlarge it it and take a good look at it. Look at the sign...it is a one-stop shopping place. I may be joking, but I bet the people are really happy to have it there. Otherwise, it would be a bit of a drive to go get even a gallon of milk.

And if you have a minute to spare, enlarge this and look at the paint job. It is really an amazing job...
This is a great find. It certainly looks as if this truly is a one-stop shopping place. The building is certainly well cared-for.
Hi Rose, That is definitely a one-stop shopping place... Bet it's interesting on the inside also.... Food and Hardware in the same store!!!! (Sounds like a mini-Walmart... ha)
Neat paint job also.... Thanks for sharing... It's almost as interesting as the court house.. ha
It is a nice paint job; so many intricate places. It would be interesting to see the inside of the store. The outside is maintained so well. I wonder if the inside looks as good.
Those little stores with a bit of everything are so necessary when you don't live close to anything. I agree it looks cared for and the paint job is nice!
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