You know, it is hot enough work putting up hay. But have you ever worked in black clothes...I haven't. But, when I worked at the orchard, I had the off white painter's pants I wore in the summer...but occasionally would end up wearing just jeans and man, is there a difference. I really felt the heat more with the darker colored jeans.
Hard work and it's baled. Takes so much longer to do. You have to admire them. The temps the past few weeks must have made the job even harder.
I have learned so much from bloggers about just how difficult farming is.... I'm a 'city' gal--even though I grew up in a small town. BUT--we never did any farming at all. SO--all of this is new to me.
But--I can only imagine how much harder it all is for the Amish ---dressed in their long black outfits. But--one thing is for sure, you never see any overweight Amish people, do you?????
Great picture, Rose.
Very interesting wagons with the steel wheels. Amish farms are always to neat and cleaned up looking.
I spent many days baling hay while growing up, and believe me, I didn't wear black! Thanks for the neat picture.
Another great shot Rose!
This is a beautiful shot! I used to love to go to my grandma's farm when they were baling hay. We would climb up the back of the wagon and ride on the top bale....being too small to help.
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