I am drawing a blank for a title for this post...we stopped for me to take a photo looking down a railroad. I took time to snap a couple pictures of these flowers.

Even though they would be classified as weeds, on close inspection, they are beautiful.
i love fall asters!
I think that first one would make a lovely greeting card Rose.
Nice shots!
So pretty!
Not weeds, but wildflowers! Wish I knew what they are!
We call them Michaelmas Daisies. When my daughter Sarah was a toddler, she would call them Michaelmas Muffets!
Lovely photos, Rose.
I don't know what they are called but they are lovely. I wouldn't call the weeds but wildflowers. Some wildflowers can be quite lovely.
Asters are a great late-season source of necter for the butterflies. Nature certainly provides for all it's creatures! And in a beautiful way, too!
Doesn't need a name. . . it makes a delightful picture!
These are beautiful flowers regardless whether they are weeds or not! They were well worth stopping and getting some shots.
So beautiful! These were the last little flowers to be seen around here.
glad you took the time, they are wonderful
The asters are so pretty, I agree.
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