These are barns taken on a drive just a bit back....

I thought I might as well post them together since they were taken the same day.

Actually, they were taken in the same general area....

have you noticed that they all have something in common?

I am joining Tricia's Barn Charm Meme....hope you have a chance to join.
I can only imagine how hot it would be in those top few barns. Looks like there are no windows in those ones. Great pics.
i love that roof outcropping. very cool!
Yes! Vines! Love it! They are all unique and beautiful.
Love it that you are showing us your leftovers. :)
#4 has to be my favorite....it looks so familiar. I also like the white one as they are really hard to find. The red and white ones are so typical of most barns. Such a nice series of fine captures. genie
To answer your question, yes I did!! And I want to know what the purpose is? Is that little overhang just for style and decoration or is there a practical reason?
hat roof overhang seems to be unique to your area.
I love the overhangs! This is a wonderful collection---you had a successful drive. :>)
i wonder what that roof line is about? really neat!
these are even more that I have not seen before. they all have little porch roofs over the hay doors. this is new to me also. beautiful barns, i like the gray one best of all towards the bottom
I love the roofs on all these...and I love the last two shots of the faded barns.
They all have the same kind of loft overhang? Is that what they have in common?
They sure are beautiful & I think the last would be my fave of the 3...
I was looking for a setting on my blog yesterday & ran across the folder marked 'Spam' & I don't know how it was directed to that folder but I found a comment from you from 'Barn Charm 52 - One Year Young' & when I hit 'Not Spam' it took it away & I thought it posted it, but it didn't! So I don't know where it went... I'm sorry, Rose, but Blogger has gone totally bonkers!!!
Anyway, that's why I didn't answer sooner, cuz I didn't find it then... =0
A fine series of interesting and quaint looking barns. I like the overhang each has and the fine textures of wood in that last one. Nice post, Rose!
Hi Rose! Thank you for stopping by my blog, and thought i would stop in here and say hello! Wow, these are some great barns in your blogpost today. Yes, I also think of Indiana and Illinois as being very similar ( and perhaps we could add in Iowa. I live in Texas now, but am always a midwesterner at heart. Miss the season changes and the snow and so much else. Have a great day, and hope to see you again!
oh, and on the top and bottom barn, can't you just see them loading up that hay mow??? Pretty cool!
Such interesting roof lines. Beautiful!
Interesting that the same half moon arch is cut out of the overhang where the hoist into the loft is at...
I've never seen a roof like that - it looks like you have a lot of them though! You've got a lot of great barns in this post!
They all have that little overhang! how interesting! great shots!
I love these barns. And yes I noticed some kind of an awning which makes me think if that is the style in that period when they built that barn ^_^ Great shots!
Barn Charm
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