Edited to add: Think I am going to have to eat my words. My North told me it might be Swamp Milkweed, sometimes known as Rose Milkweed. After a google search and looking at the images, I believe she is right. It doesn't have the big oval leaves of the milkweed I know...but guess I should have known it was some type of milkweed because the seeds look so similar.
beautiful! are you sure it's not milkweed?
This is very lovely, you captured it at just the right time.
That's the answer, my friend.
What a great picture, Rose. And off it goes. MB
That's a lovely picture.
It's probably some kind of weed that will eventually sprout in my garden!
It could be Swamp Milkweed, also known, coincidentally, as Rose Milkweed.
Perfect photo and perfect timing to see the seeds being released.
this photo is what i am trying to learn how to do with my manual settings on the new rebel. gorgeous macro, so much detail. love it love it
Nice shot of this special looking milkweed. I like the wispy nature of the seed. Fine shot.
I don't care what kind of plant this is -- your photo is marvelous. I really like the detail you've captured.
Milweed, silkweed, smilchweed ... it's gorgeous!
I hope it's a milkweed and NOT dogstrangling vine (Cynanchum rossicum), which has long slender pods like this and seeds like milkweed. It's extremely invasive.
I love the photo! I know I have seen those pods before. We used to pull them apart when we were kids.
I have never seen milk weed, but it looks like the photos i see blogging, whatever it is, it is beautiful to me.
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