I thought I would show these photos from this past October for the weekly barn charm.

I wish I could find some taken at another time...before the vines were growing up the sides.

It was actually not very attractive...but these vines make it appeal to me so much more. It is just too bad that they cause such harm to buildings.
Please visit Tricia and her Barn Charm meme if you want to join or just see more wonderful barns...and believe me there are some that are wonderful. You would think it would get old, but always some place that is so new and beautiful.
nice fall shots! :)
Ah Autumn colours - looks lovely.
It certainly is being taken over. Such a shame. I like the one large opening and two shorter ones. The farmer probably could drive into the middle one. Your closeup shows hints of red. Not sure if it was caused by paint or rust or the vines.
The vines are so pretty when green. They are very destructive though. I like the barn.
That is certainly one weathered barn! And those openings are quite large, so I imagine the tractors were, too!
This barn could use some TLC. It's nice to see bright days and autumn color. It's been dark and gloomy down here.
Such a neat barn, with great weathered wood!
I am just back from being sick, and catching up. The vines make this barn really special. But my fave today is the geese flying over the strip pit. Superb, breath taking!!!!
Oh, I sure do miss fall...Great shots!
The barn is pretty plain, but the vines make it beautiful. Even knowing that the vines eventually will eat the old barns, they still make for some good photos.
I assume the openings underneath are for equipment? Very interesting architecture....sad that the barn is decaying.
I still love the old rustic barns even if they are on their last legs so to speak. I like the colors in the barnwood on this one. Is that a little bit of red I see?
I really like these images. The yellow and red leaves add interest along with the crooked window.
Charming, indeed. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Come by again. I post barn photos now and then.........Denise
Rose I love the combination of the wood barn with the rusty tin roof! Missouri seems to love these barns too :) Love the fall colored vines. Your header is stunning!
pretty photos...i admit i love the look of the vines climbing on old buildings but i know it's not good for them...i used a barn from fall too!
fabuloso shots!!! love the dead vines as much as the barns
I like the vines, too, myself... they just add something more to the old barns... maybe add to the abandonment of them?
And that's a big one!
Thanks Rose! =) You're right, more are joining, now, & from far & wide, too... Australia & The UK! =)
A fine Barn Charm post. I like your well weathered barn with its broken places and all the vines. I agree with you...the variety of barns on Barn Charm is never ending and always interesting.
Nice shots of the poor 'ole barn. I like it. It still has some good bones left. MB
It IS sad that vines help old barns decay even faster than they would have without them. The vines DO make them seem more attractive.
Nice shots. Vines against weathered wood gives great photo ops.
The vines to create such a pretty contrast to the gray barn wood. Lovely shots, Rose. :)
Great shots! ...makes me tempted to see what's inside!
i really love this shot. i agree with Ruta .. i wonder what is inside?? ha. ha!! (:
Oh, I love it! And the fall colors look so pretty covering it.
Such wonderful photography. This barn could easily have been right here in Rockbridge County. It looks to familiar. Your second capture has to be my favorite. genie
A large barn. It must have been something in its heyday. Great shots. :-)
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