I have hesitated in posting the above photo because of 'thing' right in front of her nose...but decided to go ahead and post it anyway....

then we have this little fellow...isn't he adorable. And he is behind a fence also.

More Long-horned cows....

And then a couple barns...all with fences of one sort or another...all of these came from last fall, except the last and I cannot quite remember when it was taken.

It is a little bit late, but am going to link to
Friday' Fences...
Wow I'm the first one to comment,lol. Very nice images as always regardless if its of a fence or not, and its always what's beyond a fence that really intrigues me the most! Richard
love 'em all!!! perfect fence additions!
each time i scrolled down i said WOW out loud, LOVE all of these, fence and cows and donkey. I have a passion for cows and donkeys and have always wanted a ranch so i could have them. these are amazing shots and so glad you posted the first one. LOVE THIS POST
Nice Friday Fences. I didn't get my act together this week, but I'm glad you did.
Great shots...love the first one!
All these shots are awesome as usual! Love them all!
I think that "thing" actually adds to the photo as if the cow is laying claim to it. "Hi, see my thing?"
Fences and domesticated animals seem to go together very well. I like all of those animal shots. And the barns look very good too. A fine, multiple post.
Actually, in that first picture, I was thinking how perfect that you got that thing, not quite in her face, but perfectly aligned in the shadow. For a fence, it shows off the attachment of the two wires very nicely
...and this is a 'fence' post, after all ;-)
Wonderful. I love how all of your critters posed for their portraits. :)
Oh I love all your pictures especially that cute donkey - makes you want to give him a cuddle. :))
Lovely lil' donkey shot!! The last barn shot has a nice backlight to it...well done!
Wow a lot of fence and nicely done. ^_^ Happy weekend!
Friday Fences
That top one is wonderful, you can tell it's a fence by that "thing".
Well, donkeys always win for cuteness, and long horns are always impressive, but all your photos are real nice... except don't you wish the last photo was without the white panels? The sun shining through the barn slats more would have been perfect!
I like these, all of them. I think the "thing" in front of the nose adds charm and humor to that first image.
I absolutely love the first image and would love to feel those soft-looking ears. But since there's barbed wire involved, that's probably not a good idea! LOL!
Well, then there's more fuzzy ears on that sweet-looking donkey.
All of these are great and add a lot of personality to the fences.
Those animals are so cute...especially the one with the little thingy by his nose:)
Great pictures!!
Love that donkey! He's a cutie! Very nice post.
Great shots & I really like the color of the setting sun behind that last barn...
The donkey looks like my mom's Joseph that I posted pics of today! heheheee
Perfect for fence shots. We go by a little farm where they have a donkey in the field by the road...and then they switch to cows...and then back to the donkey...then back to cows...what is with that??? Does the donkey clean up something the cows don't?
Perfect for Friday Fences!
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