But it is an Indiana sunset...to be more specific it is from my usual spots at the strip pits...that silo in the top photo is actually across the state line.

I tell myself, 'Self, you don't need any more sunset/sunrise pictures!' but I just cannot resist them.
I'm like you--I keep taking them sunset pics. My grand daughter says you have a zillion pictures of the sunset and I say yeah but each one is different. they grab at my heart. Yours are beautiful. MB
Each sunset/sunrise is uniquely beautiful in its own way. These are two very fine pictures. I love the rich color and strata across the sky that they provide. Excellent job of shooting.
Indiana sunsets are the BEST.... Great pictures, Rose.
I meant to give an explanation of sorts about the title...there was a song by the Eagles called Tequila Sunrise ...which is one of my favorites...but Roger had it playing the other day and it just popped into my head when I went to title this...so that's the story behind the title.
This is a WOW sunset, Rose. Love your strip pit shots!
Rose...thank you for your comments and for stopping by my photo blog. It is great to meet another Evansville blogger! You have a very nice blog as well and I love your sunset and dragonfly pictures. Keep up the great work.
Dan (In Evansville - Posey County)
Very special, Rose. I like the way the light and colors layer across the sky! I can't stop taking sunset pics either!
You can never, ever get too many sunrise/sunset pictures. These are beautiful. The thing about sunrise/sunset pictures is that they are all unique so it's not like you're showing us repetitive pictures of the same thing.
Without knowing what a strip pit is I can still appreciate the shots!
I'm glad you can't resist taking sunrise/sunset pictures. These are gorgeous!!
The sunsets the past couple weeks have been astounding. Love your sunset pictures!
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