A run through the strip pit area was quite productive...this Dickcissel was singing its little heart out. They always do...it is wonderful how the birds all just seem to enjoy the fact that they are alive.
I thought I would show the original above and then show a cropped version below. And I want to remind you that by clicking on the photos, they will enlarge a bit more.
what a gorgeous photo, I just love the detail. That does does look glad to be alive......
Gill in Canada
Great timing!
Both versions are very good. I love how you caught the action at such a nice point. The enlargements always look better to me. I guess I like bigger pictures and how they let us see more detail.
This is a wonderful picture of the Dickcissel. He really is singing his heart out.
Great shot! Your timing was perfect. :)
This is an incredible shot, Rose! I've not seen anything like it other than in National Geographic - maybe you ought to enter it in their monthly photo contest?
Just beautiful in every way!
WOW! WHat a great capture! Super! Superb!
Stunning! I wish I could hear him sing, too. I've never seen one of these birds other than in photos.
Wow Rose, what a fabulous picture of the Dickcissel singing his heart out.... You captured a WiNNER with this one...
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